Flying Shala Sessions at Ikal

We are excited to announce our first Flying Shala event of 2022 which will take place on January 17th. We invite you to celebrate the first full moon of the new year, with a concert of chants, mantras and music to connect to our hearts and to each other, embraced by the spirit of the Caribbean sea. Coincidentally, this full moon in the sign of Cancer is a perfect time to sort through and release emotional baggage as well as to bring some serious rejuvenation to the psyche. 

The Flying Shala Sessions are a series of interactive musical events, where we invite artists from all over the world to perform in our oceanfront yoga Shala. Our Shala faces the ocean directly, offering one of the most breathtaking views of the Caribbean Sea.

This unique space was built using bio-construction methods. The participants are invited and encouraged to actively take part in the performance by dancing or chanting along to mantras or songs. The aim is to raise the collective frequency so high that the Shala feels like it is flying. We are beyond grateful and honored to be hosting these events, and would love to spread the high vibrations with all of you by sharing some memories of our past sessions.

This month’s performance is AGUA DE LUNA, a Full moon concert with Mirabai Ceiba. Mirabai Ceiba is the devotional music duo formed by Angelika Baumbach from Mexico, (harp and voice) and Markus Sieber from the former East Germany, (guitar and voice). Their musical repertoire ranges from personal compositions in various languages, to Kundalini Yoga mantras, Gurmukhi mantras, traditional Native American songs as well as songs from various world traditions. The name Mirabai Ceiba illustrates their influences: India and Latin America. The ceiba is the sacred tree of Latin America. "We wish for our music to be like this tree, with its roots that go deep into mother earth and its branches that grow towards the sky. Mirabai for us represents travel, devotion, inspiration, spirituality."

Angelika Baumbach has been in contact with Sikh music and mantras from her youth. At 15, she made her debut in the world music group "Cielo y Tierra"; a little later she learned the harp and produced a solo album. In 2001, while on tour, she met Marcus Sieber, an actor and musician, at the Fringe Music and Theater Festival in Edinburgh. He studied acting in Berlin and St. Petersburg, and starred in several German films and plays. They live in Mexico City. Since 2001, they travel the world to share their music during Yoga and Holistic Festivals or events.

If you would like to secure places for this month’s Flying Shala, we kindly suggest you make your reservations through this link. (link tickets evento) , as this is an event with limited capacity. If you would like to secure places for this month’s Flying Shala, we kindly suggest you make your reservations through this link, as this is an event with limited capacity.


Month of Love with Estas Tonne


Familias del Mundo @ Ikal Hotel Tulum